David Partington, a valued friend and colleague, introduced me to the work of John August Swanson, an artist whose etchings and serigraphs capture spiritual experiences. Perhaps my favorite of his works is "Celebration" which shows a dance with musicians playing, candles burning, and people of all ages joining hands to fill the room with joyful dance. It's an image of life at its richest.

I was reminded of this "Celebration" dance last weekend when other friends generously hosted a graduation party for our twins at their lake house. The day was beautiful and bright, and people from multiple generations gathered on the lake, lawn, and patio to enjoy the gift of each other. Youth advisors who had guided our children, school friends, church friends, long time family friends, grandparents, and others from across the landscape of our lives gathered for no other reason than to share the joy of traveling together.
As I stood on the patio looking out at the festivities, I marveled at the beauty of it all, how blessed we are to dance through this life with more fine people than we could possibly name. I couldn't help but wonder if this is what God had in mind for the human enterprise.... a joyful dance with hands joined, arms raised, light shining, music playing .... populated by those with whom we are privileged to share the journey. It's a marvelous image for this thing we call church.
To all those who have been church to our family for the last twenty one years of raising children, thank you for joining us in the dance. We're honored and grateful.
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